Enigmarch 2023
Index of EnigMarch 2023 Puzzles
2023-03-01: Key - Skeleton Keys
2023-03-02: Nest - Nest Eggs
2023-03-03: Wind - Wind and Unwind
2023-03-04: Light - Moon-or-Sunlight
2023-03-05: Gem - Hidden Gems
2023-03-06: Mythical - Cryptid Crossword
2023-03-07: Arrow - Arrow Re-pair
2023-03-08: Curse - Minced Oaths
2023-03-09: Glitch - Confection Lost
2023-03-10: Hazard - Sound Advice
2023-03-11: Bold - Extra! Extra!
2023-03-12: Tower - Dice Towers
2023-03-13: Match - Got A Light?
2023-03-14: Second - Mixed Doubles
2023-03-15: Room - Room Service
2023-03-16: Mask - The Mask of Zorro
2023-03-17: Shell - Shelled Nuts
2023-03-18: Royal - Royal Succession
2023-03-19: Space - JWSTar Battle
2023-03-20: Fish - Walleyes
2023-03-21: Halve - Half Sandwiches
2023-03-22: Vision - Assemble!
2023-03-23: Dice - ¿Cómo Se Dice...?
2023-03-24: Crypt - Cryptogories
2023-03-25: Knot - Figure Eights
2023-03-26: Grow - Flower Pots
2023-03-27: Fire - Hole-y Smokes
2023-03-28: Diagonal - Decision Trees
2023-03-29: Quote - Bart's Familiar Quotations
2023-03-30: Push - Pushovers
Index of EnigMarch 2023 Puzzles
Enigmarch 2022
For the month of March 2022, a puzzle prompt was provided each day by Enigmarch. Below are the puzzles Dustin has made for the challenge.
For the month of March 2022, a puzzle prompt was provided each day by Enigmarch. Below are the puzzles Dustin has made for the challenge.
Enigmarch 2022 Autocrosswords
Bonus puzzle set! Arrange the five 5-letter answers into a word square, so that the same five words read both across and down in a grid. The five clues in each set are ordered randomly.
Bonus puzzle set! Arrange the five 5-letter answers into a word square, so that the same five words read both across and down in a grid. The five clues in each set are ordered randomly.